Mau mendokumentasikan rangkaian yang anda buat?
contoh untuk bentuk schematic.
contoh untuk bentuk Breadboard.
Bagi anda pengguna Arduino, gambar diatas mungkin sudah pernah dilihat. taukah anda software apa yang
digunakan untuk membuat rangkaian project2 arduino seperti gambar diatas? Yaps.... nama softwarenya ialah Fritzing. Ini sedikit Fritzing yang saya copy kan langsung dari file ReadMe nya :
Fritzing is an open-source initiative to support designers and artists in
taking the step from physical prototyping to actual product. We are
creating this software in the spirit of Processing and Arduino. Fritzing's
goal is to allow the designer / artist / researcher / hobbyist to document
their breadboard-based prototype and create a PCB layout for
We hope our website will be a place for people to share and discuss
their projects and experiences.
Fritzing is essentially Electronic Design Automation software suited to the
needs of designers and artists. It uses the metaphor of the breadboard,
so that it is easy to transfer a hardware sketch to the software by using a
drag-and-drop-based GUI to copy your sketch. From there it is possible
to create PCB layouts for turning your prototype into a robust PCB,
either on your own, or with the help of a manufacturer
bagi anda yang tertarik pada software ini, anda bisa mengunduh/download Disini
Selamat Berkreatifitas pada hobbyist, researcher, atau pun designer elektronika ....:)
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